By joining the Friends Scheme you are helping to deliver an ambitious programme of exhibitions, events, learning projects and festivals in Lismore. You are also contributing to the maintenance and development of the historic gardens.
€60 for 12 months
€85 for 12 month
€150 for 12 months
We will send your new Friends Card in the post once payment has been processed. If you would like more information or to purchase gift membership please call +353 (0) 58 54061 or email:
Lismore Castle Arts
Open Daily
Monday to Sunday
10:30am – 5:30pm (last entry 4:30pm)
15 March – 27 October
St Carthage Hall
Saturdays and Sundays
12pm – 5pm during exhibitions
Other times by appointment
The Mill
Saturdays and Sundays
12pm – 5pm during exhibitions
Other times by appointment